Sunday, November 22, 2009

Gun Control

The original title of today's blog was going to be: Tid Bits, because there were a few little things I wanted to say on a few different subjects. I started out with the fact that Nancy Pelosi is backing Mike Capuano for US Senate, so that alone is reason enough not to vote for the guy if you didn't already have 10 reasons. Then I moved on to the subject of Gun Control and realized it needed a blog all it's own, because too many people still don't seem to get it. So here it is. E-mail me if you STILL don't get it after reading this. I will be happy to explain it again in terms you can understand.

Gun Control:
Many of you still don't get it so I'm going to do my best to explain this to you. My dad used to have a bumper sticker on his car that said, "When Guns Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Guns". Read the statement again folks and then one more time. Now really think about it and try to let it sink in. Guess what? It's FREAKING TRUE!!!! When you vote FOR gun control you are voting for the government to TAKE AWAY YOUR RIGHT to own a gun. They are NOT taking the guns away from criminals!! Criminals already gave away their right to own a gun. Yet, they still have them. YOU, as LAW ABIDING citizens, WILL NOT. As it states in the 2nd Amendment, (just one of our rights under the United States Constitution,) as law abiding citizens, we have THE RIGHT to bear arms. When you vote for gun control, what's more important than giving away the right to own a gun, is the fact that you are telling the government that it's ok to take away YOUR RIGHTS! I've talked to some people who are all for the idea of gun control, because "children are dying in the streets because of guns." Helllooooooooo?? Anyone home? NO! Little children are not dying in the streets because of guns. Little children are dying in the streets, because some dirtbag bought an ILLEGAL gun on the street, or committed the crime of invading someone's home, and then, without any regard for a human life, pulled the trigger. When was the last time you read of a child's death because a law abiding citizen took their gun to the street and blatantly opened fire on a group of teens? If you've read that in the paper, or have seen it on the news, please tell me you've saved it or TiVo'd it, because I must have missed it. Ok, so obviously you don't like guns. You don't like them, you don't want one, you don't ever want one in your home. That's fine. I respect that. You have that right. The right NOT to own a gun is also covered by the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment gives you a choice. With the 2nd Amendment, you have the RIGHT to own a gun, but you also have the RIGHT NOT TO. Now, seeing as you don't want a gun, how would you like it if the government now said "Everyone MUST now own and keep a gun in their home"? You'd be pissed. You'd be beyond livid! Am I right? Of course. Because who is the government to tell you that you MUST do something that the 2nd Amendment tells you that you have a choice not to do? Those of us who would like to keep our right to own a gun, as well as ALL of our other rights given to us under the Constitution, would never dream of voting for gun control. When you decide you don't mind giving up ALL of your rights, then, and ONLY THEN, can you vote for gun control. But not until then. Because when you allow the government to take one of your rights away, what's to keep them from taking them all?

Alright, so now lets see where a couple of gun control scenarios would leave us.

Scenario One:
The majority of people voted FOR gun control and now your right to own a gun has been taken away. That's ok, you don't need one now, because guns have been outlawed right? Yeah, well, Joe Schmoe the dirtbag hasn't had a fix in hours and is in need of some quick cash or something to trade to curb his crack craving. Your house is close. The lights are out because it's 2AM and everyone's sleeping. Here comes Joe Dirtbag through your child's bedroom window, because the child left it open when she was feeding the raccoon in the backyard with the carrots she didn't like at dinner. She's adorable like that! Joe Dirtbag doesn't have the blueprints to your house (yet), so you wake-up when you hear Joe Dirtbag screaming at little Lisa to shut-up. You see, Joe Schmoe the dirtbag, he nearly fell on top of her trying to find his way in the dark and stubbed his toe on her bed post. It scared little Lisa half to death and she started screaming. You go running to her rescue with what? your baseball bat? You fling open the door and what to your eyes should appear? Your child running to you and Joe Dirtbag, the devil in his eyes, has a gun pointing at you. Darn. All you have is a bat. Go ahead, throw it at him. Yeah, that'll work. However, before the bat even makes it halfway to Joe, he's already shot your darling little Lisa. Thank goodness the government lets us own a baseball bat! (For now anyway). You are so devasted that you couldn't protect your little Lisa that you end up in an insanity ward and your house is sold.

Scenario Two:
The majority of people voted AGAINST gun control. The bleeding-heart liberals and the government are pissed and calling us extremeist who are as stupid as the Cambridge Police Department. 75% of law abiding citizens now have taken classes at their local gun club to learn how to safely own a gun. They have done their homework and now know how to clean, store and shoot thier newly purchased firearm. They bring home their shiny new choice of family protection. Little Jane wants to play with it. She loves shiny things don't you know? But, Jane isn't going to want to play with this, because her parents know that guns are trouble in the wrong hands. So they sit Jane down and tell her all about the gun. Of course they take the bullets out. Then they check 2 and 3 times to make sure the gun is safe for Jane to look at. They tell her what it is, why they have it, what it does and they let her hold it. Her curiosity is satisfied and she is no longer impressed. The family locks the gun in a place where Jane can't get it. It's also in a place nobody else can get it. So, here it is 2AM and Joe Schmoe Dirtbag is back in the neighborhood for another fix. The last family only had a bat. He loved that family! They had no gun and he now has the blue print to their home. But tonight, this house is closer. Joe Dirtbag comes through Jane's window, and again, with no blueprint, nearly falls on Jane and she wakes up screaming. You grab your gun and go bolting for Jane's bedroom. Joe is so surprised you have a gun he's frozen in place. He goes to aim his gun at you and you blow his brains out. You are safe, Jane is safe, and the new family who moved into Lisa's old house is safe.

So, when Joe Schmoe Dirtbag comes to your house in the middle of the night and is ready to wipe out your entire family, would you prefer to nicely ask him to leave or would you prefer to blow his freaking brains out? What lengths are you willing to go to keep your child safe? Hmmmm. Bat or Gun? Yeah, that's a tough one!
I don't know about you, but you couldn't pay me enough to vote for gun control!!! The government can take that idea and shove it where the sun don't shine. And while they are at it, they can take their BS Healthcare Reform and shove that too!

God Bless The USA! And please do it now before it's too late.


  1. This was absolutely hilarious. Joe Shmoe Dirtbag needs to become a regular character in your future musings. That said if one were to blow his brains out in this state, we would be in jail forever.

  2. Maybe if we had more republicans in office we'd be as on the ball as TX.
