Friday, December 18, 2009

Joe Schmoe Dirtbag

When I wrote my blog on Gun Control, my son said I should make Joe Schmoe a regualar character in future blogs. Although Joe Schmoe Dirtbag was blown away in the last blog...He has friends and relatives who go by the same name, so this blog is for Chris.

I've never been much for politics growing up. Now, I can't seem to get enough of it. My little sister thinks my biggest addiction is iced coffee. Won't she be surprised to find that my new biggest addiction is Fox News. It started out innocently enough. Everyone was watching Glenn Beck, so I thought I'd watch an episode and find out what all the hoopla was about. One episode led to another. I couldn't decide if he was more comical or more scary. I probably giggled myself to sleep that night and then had a nightmare. You see, Mr. Beck speaks the truth about all the issues that are terrifying America today. It's the way he goes about it that is comical. He is unbelievably passionate about trying to warn America about what is really going on around them. For example, he's telling America everything he knows about the Health Care Reform Bill and what he's telling us is everything the liberal Democrats don't want us to know, because then we'd know more than them.Oh, wait we already do...we now know the truth! If you've seen the show, you have to admit it's genius. All the scary truths about the direction in which America is headed, but with an enthusiasm that makes Beck look nuts. So much so, that more and more American's are tuning in everyday. So Mr. Beck has seemed to have found away to make tuning in to the truth a little more tolerable, as terrifying as it is. Kudos to him. So now, I am addicted to Glenn Beck. Of course if you turn the TV on a little early while waiting for Beck to come on, you will catch the ending of "Your World with Neil Cavuto". Another good show. Not as addictive as Beck, but informative nonetheless. So, I like to watch that one now too. Ok, now while waiting for Cavuto, one will catch the ending of Shepherd Smith. Of course, this would be the 3 o'clock hour that Shep Smith is on. I could change the channel and watch General Hospital, but I hate commercials, so that's being taped. Sheperd Smith it will be. Another reporter with a sense of humor, however, I'm not sure he means to be funny, but I giggle my butt off when I watch him. Yep, addicted. Skip down to 8 Pm and It's time for the O'Reilly Factor. Another Republican who tells it like it is. 9 Pm is time for Hannity. The information one gets while watching any of these shows is astounding! The scary part is it's all true. And it's not just political, it's national and international news. News about issues that rock the world, such as the lunatics pushing for this Healthcare Bill, right down to Joe Schmoe Dirtbag who kidnaps his kid. And if all this news isn't enough for you, please by all means, turn your boob-tube on first thing in the morning for Fox 25 news. Before you know it you will be calling the Fox 25 morning crew your friends. And they aren't hard on the eyes first thing in the morning. And always, if you are from Southie, don't forget a refreshing dose of John Ciccone's Column in the South Boston Tribune every Thurday. Of course, if you are a Democrat, don't bother retaining any of the information I've given you here, because like Joe Schmoe Dirtbag, you wouldn't know how to appreciate it. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!! Yes, I said CHRISTMAS! God Bless.

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