Monday, December 21, 2009

Please Forgive Me

First I want to apologize for one mistake I made in my last blog. I stated that Democrats shouldn't bother reading it, because they couldn't appreciate it. Thinking it over, I realize that's not quite true. I have many friends who are Democrats. Some even running for offices. I will even vote for them. The Democrats I was referring to are the Democrats who stand on the far left. Does the name Ben Nelson ring a bell? Someone should hit him with a bell. The LIBERTY BELL preferably. I hear his name and I cringe. He is the perfect example of a sellout! If he wasn't a senator in Nebraska, I might actually think about moving there! He should be offered to be the Host of Let's Make A Deal! If yesterday's storm and all that shoveling wasn't scary and depressing enough, we wake up this morning to a nightmare of much higher proportions! The Democrats got the 60 votes to advance their Health Care Reform Bill. I said "got" their votes. I meant "bought" thier votes. Obama sees this as a victory. I'd have thought he was kidding, but it is a victory. It's just a personal victory. It's not an American victory. More than half of the American people are against this bill. Maybe that's why it was rushed through the Senate at the ungodly hour of 1Am. Somebody take the writing utensils away from that idiot! In fact take all the pens and paper away from the whole Democratic side. Hand the President a  Dictionary instead. He needs to look up the word "Promise". I know previous Presidents have made promises they didn't keep, but Obama has only been in office a year and has yet to keep one! Unless he's made promises to the enemy. Seems like he's keeping those. Say goodbye to your rights, one by one. By the time the anti-christ is done, we won't have any left. Can anybody tell me exactly which of the Democratic Senators has read that entire Bill? I think the only amusement I get is when I watch the commercial with the "commoners" saying how wonderful this Bill is! OK, so they are everyday John and Jane Doe's making a few extra bucks for making a commercial. I hope they made quite a few extra bucks, because if this Bill goes through, they are going to need it to pay their high priced health care premiums!! Especially the woman holding the child as she boasts about how wonderful the bill is. She'll be paying double because of the child! And no, the deficit isn't going down with this bill, it's going to set us back trillions of dollars. Not billions, but TRILLIONS!! I find it humorous that the people in Nebraska believe this is going to work for them, because they're tax dollars aren't paying for it, the rest of the country picks up their tab. Don't they realize they WILL be paying for it? This bill is going to suck the life out of what's left of the economy. They do still depend on the economy in Nebraska don't they? And not to mention, this bill goes into effect in 4 years. Pay now and receive the benefits in 4 years?? Yeah ok.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Joe Schmoe Dirtbag

When I wrote my blog on Gun Control, my son said I should make Joe Schmoe a regualar character in future blogs. Although Joe Schmoe Dirtbag was blown away in the last blog...He has friends and relatives who go by the same name, so this blog is for Chris.

I've never been much for politics growing up. Now, I can't seem to get enough of it. My little sister thinks my biggest addiction is iced coffee. Won't she be surprised to find that my new biggest addiction is Fox News. It started out innocently enough. Everyone was watching Glenn Beck, so I thought I'd watch an episode and find out what all the hoopla was about. One episode led to another. I couldn't decide if he was more comical or more scary. I probably giggled myself to sleep that night and then had a nightmare. You see, Mr. Beck speaks the truth about all the issues that are terrifying America today. It's the way he goes about it that is comical. He is unbelievably passionate about trying to warn America about what is really going on around them. For example, he's telling America everything he knows about the Health Care Reform Bill and what he's telling us is everything the liberal Democrats don't want us to know, because then we'd know more than them.Oh, wait we already do...we now know the truth! If you've seen the show, you have to admit it's genius. All the scary truths about the direction in which America is headed, but with an enthusiasm that makes Beck look nuts. So much so, that more and more American's are tuning in everyday. So Mr. Beck has seemed to have found away to make tuning in to the truth a little more tolerable, as terrifying as it is. Kudos to him. So now, I am addicted to Glenn Beck. Of course if you turn the TV on a little early while waiting for Beck to come on, you will catch the ending of "Your World with Neil Cavuto". Another good show. Not as addictive as Beck, but informative nonetheless. So, I like to watch that one now too. Ok, now while waiting for Cavuto, one will catch the ending of Shepherd Smith. Of course, this would be the 3 o'clock hour that Shep Smith is on. I could change the channel and watch General Hospital, but I hate commercials, so that's being taped. Sheperd Smith it will be. Another reporter with a sense of humor, however, I'm not sure he means to be funny, but I giggle my butt off when I watch him. Yep, addicted. Skip down to 8 Pm and It's time for the O'Reilly Factor. Another Republican who tells it like it is. 9 Pm is time for Hannity. The information one gets while watching any of these shows is astounding! The scary part is it's all true. And it's not just political, it's national and international news. News about issues that rock the world, such as the lunatics pushing for this Healthcare Bill, right down to Joe Schmoe Dirtbag who kidnaps his kid. And if all this news isn't enough for you, please by all means, turn your boob-tube on first thing in the morning for Fox 25 news. Before you know it you will be calling the Fox 25 morning crew your friends. And they aren't hard on the eyes first thing in the morning. And always, if you are from Southie, don't forget a refreshing dose of John Ciccone's Column in the South Boston Tribune every Thurday. Of course, if you are a Democrat, don't bother retaining any of the information I've given you here, because like Joe Schmoe Dirtbag, you wouldn't know how to appreciate it. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!! Yes, I said CHRISTMAS! God Bless.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

So Much For Privacy In Voting!!

So much for privacy in voting! When I cast my vote for Mayor in November, I was given all the privacy I needed. Not that I needed any, because anyone who knows me, knew I was voting for Michael Flaherty. I had on my Flaherty for Mayor T-shirt. I wore my Flaherty/Yoon button. I wore a Flaherty Lapel Label and I stood outside my polling location holding a Flaherty/Yoon sign for 13 hours! I didn't give my privacy a second thought, because I was that excited and proud, not to mention I wasn't given a choice of ballot sheet because all the candidates were listed on ONE ballot sheet. 
Well today was a whole different scenario. Not that I'm not proud of my vote, I am, without question. However, voting is supposed to be a personal and private decision, unless one chooses to voice the candidate they are endorsing. When I walked into my polling location today, I knew I was going to vote for Scott Brown. Again, those who know me, knew this as well. However, the people working the polling station didn't need to know who I was voting for and neither did the people in line behind me. I had no plans to discuss it. I was just going to go in, cast my vote, and leave. It wasn't that easy and it got me a little ticked off. I'm sure this is the way it's always been and I just never realized how So NOT Private voting really is, because I never really cared all that much. All I was concerned with when I first started voting was exercising MY RIGHT to vote. Well with the state our country is in today, I CARE! I pay very close attention to politics these days and vote not only because it is MY RIGHT to do so, but because I want people in office that are going to protect ALL MY RIGHTS and are going to work for the best interest of the AMERICAN PEOPLE.
So this is what happens: there are three ways a person can be registered. One can be a Democrat, a Republican, or an Unenrolled, such as myself. If you are a registered Democrat, you walk into your polling location and you are given the ballot sheet with all the Democratic candidates listed on it. If you are registered as a Republican, they give you the ballot sheet with the Republican candidates listed on it. No questions asked. Just a ballot sheet handed to you. Sounds easy enough right? Not if you are registered as unenrolled. If you are registerede as unenrolled, they have to ask you which ballot sheet you would prefer. And you have to tell them either a Democrat ballot sheet or a  Republican ballot sheet. Now, everyone standing behind you knows which way you are voting and so do the people working the polling station. Like I said, I'm proud of my vote, but now everyone in the room knows that there are four candidates that didn't get my vote. They don't know if I voted for Brown or Robinson but they do know I didn't vote for a Democrat. I am proud of that too. I have no regrets that I proudly asked for a Republican ballot sheet, but I'm sure pissed off that I didn't get the same respect of privacy that a registered Democrat or a registered Republican received. No question and answer forum for them to cast a vote. But, because I am registered as unenrolled they don't seem to know what to do. Here's an idea! Put ALL THE NAMES ON ONE BALLOT SHEET!! It's nobody's business who I'm voting for. If I want you to know...I promise, I will tell you! So, that being said, here's what I think...Sarah Palin for President. Glenn Beck for VP. John Ciccone for Governor. Michael Flaherty for Mayor. Michael McGee for State Rep. And last but not least....Privacy in voting!!!