Monday, January 4, 2010

A Whole New Year...God Willing!

Happy New Year! So 2010 is here and some of us have made resolutions. Some of us have not. And some of us have made resoutions that we have every intention of keeping but won't, and then there are those of us with so much will power we will keep our resolutions no matter what. Some of us will vow to exercise and lose weight. Some of us will vow to quit drinking or smoking. Some of us will try to have a better attitude or not be so selfish. Some of us will try to make mass every week or some of us will just vow to be better people. Me, I've made a few resolutions. Maybe I'll keep them, maybe I won't. What I will do is try. If I keep them, great. If not, well it's not the end of the world. One resolution that I do plan on keeping though and it won't take any will power is to keep my communication with God open. With all that is going on in the world today, I know I'm going to need Him more than ever before. So each day I will thank Him for all the blessings I have in my life such as family, health and friends. And each day I will ask him to watch over me and all my loved ones. And because I am only one person, I will ask Him to give more people the common sense to pay closer attention to what's going on in politics today, especially at the White House. I will give praise and thanks every day, because at the rate we are going in this great country at the moment, I fear there may come a day when I am no longer allowed to give thanks to my Maker. My God. I will give thanks that right now we have a Constitution to live by even if some politicians like to make like it doesn't exist or it's ok to try and change it. I will pray that there is some major change in 2010 and all the far left liberals are thrown out of office and the "Right" people are elected in their place. I will pray that those who are voting for Obamacare will come to their senses and see what a disaster the plan actually is. I will do what I can to help by voting for people such as Michael McGee for State Rep. and Scott Brown for US Senate. I will help by spreading the word that there are people out there like Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly (Fox News) and John Ciccone (South Boston Tribune), just to name a few, who are willing to fill you in with the truthful facts about what is going on in our nation. I will help by praying for those who do not pray. For those who don't see that without God's help...we are going to be in a world of trouble and chaos. May God bless us all and may God Bless the USA! And for my son's benefit and amusement, a special prayer that Joe Schmoe Dirtback goes on a permanent vacation!

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