Wednesday, January 27, 2010

“That Special Something”

“That Special Something”

Every once in a great while, if we are really lucky, we meet a person who leaves us with the feeling of “Wow!, I’m really blessed to know this person.” You feel it from the first time you meet them. They just have that special something about them. You don’t know at first glance what that special something is, but you know it’s something that makes you feel like you want to spend more time with them and get to know them, so you can find out exactly what that special something is. Such is the case with Attorney Ryan M. Spitz. I first met Ryan when I went to volunteer for Michael Flaherty’s Mayoral Campaign. I asked what I could do to help and was introduced to Ryan. After spending only five minutes with Ryan, I knew I was in for a busy, but enjoyable journey. I spent the next seven months helping Michael Flaherty by working directly with Ryan. The Flaherty Committee on a whole, was filled with some of the nicest people you would ever want to know and I came away from the experience with some great new friends, but I have to say of all the great impressions made on me by these people, none compare to the impression that Ryan has made on me. As I stated, it took only five minutes in Ryan’s company to know I was about to become totally engrossed in this campaign. My very first impression of Ryan was “Ok, here’s a guy who is pretty damn intense.” At first I thought maybe his intensity came from his desire to try and push Michael to a Mayoral victory, but we all had that desire, so I assumed it had to be more than just that. I learned shortly thereafter that it was definitely more than the desire we all shared. Soon after I started working at the Committee, I learned that Ryan was waiting on his BAR exam results. This was the second time he‘d sweated out the wait. If he had been anyone else, I probably would have thought “No chance, better luck next time. Third time’s the charm.”, but like I said, there was something that set Ryan apart from most people. I knew deep down that he was going to pass. I just knew it. Not a doubt in my mind, even though at that point I hadn’t known him long at all. I told him I would say a prayer for him, which I did, but I really didn’t believe he was going to need one. A couple of weeks working next to him, I knew he was the type of person who was going to succeed in anything he attempted to do. And he did. He passed the BAR, which any lawyer knows, is not an easy task. Very shortly after that, Ryan and I had lunch together and I learned first hand exactly why he didn‘t have to “Try, Try Again“: He’s extremely intelligent! That’s not to say that anyone who doesn’t pass it the first or second time isn’t intelligent, it’s just that along with the intelligence that Ryan holds, he also possesses qualities such as extreme diligence. He also has this amazing ability to be able to listen, retain and redistribute information while at the same time collecting more information. I personally believe he has been able to take the definition of multi-tasking to a whole new level. On any given day at the Committee, I don’t believe Ryan was ever only working on one task. Although he delegated work to me, I know it was only a smidgen of what he was holding on his own plate. Unfortunately, we all know that Michael Flaherty did not win his election. And although some of us are still not over it, and may not be for at least 4 more years, we have all had to try to get back to a life that makes some sense to us. For many months Ryan did nothing but eat, sleep and breathe Flaherty work (except maybe to take his dog, Lexi, for a walk up Castle Island and even then he was probably thinking Flaherty), so I imagined it might be a little more difficult for him to readjust than some of us. I should have known better than to underestimate him! He’s a man who has all the skills he will ever need to succeed. He’s smart, funny, charming, kind, generous, dedicated, fun, savvy, positive, honest, determined, and he’s motivated like no one I’ve ever met. All the while being humble even though he has much to pat himself on the back for. And I can personally guarantee he will never be “called out” for a lack of common sense. He’s got the whole package. Even knowing all this, it still didn’t stop my jaw from dropping the day he told me he opened his own law firm!! Who does that within the first year of obtaining their license?! A person in possession of what it takes to do so. That’s who. And Ryan is one of the special few who do. I don’t think I could have been any happier for him than I was and still am. I am so unbelievably proud to be able to say I had the opportunity to work next to him for all those months. I am also proud that now I get to call him a friend, because he has been that much of an inspiration to me. And in the future I’m sure I will be proud to call him my attorney. He’s a man who charged full speed ahead to get back into the game we call reality. However, now Ryan’s reality comes with a new name: Law Firm of Ryan M. Spitz (General Practitioner). I, like the rest of the world, never would have believed there was such a thing as an honest lawyer. Like you, I believed you couldn’t put the words honest and lawyer in the same sentence without it being an oxymoron, but Ryan has changed that for me as he will for you. I’m here to tell you that if you need a lawyer, you need to look no further than the Law Firm of Ryan M. Spitz!  I’d bet you a dollar to a donut that once you spend just five minutes with him, you’ll know you made the right choice. And after those first five minutes, you  will believe, as I do, that it really is true: Every once in a while, if we are really lucky, we meet a person who leaves us with the feeling of “Wow!, I’m really blessed to know this person.” Even if we never believed before that this person could ever be an Attorney. So, if you find yourself in need of an attorney who is going to work to the best of his ability on your behalf instead of his own personal agenda, You can reach Attorney Spitz at or by calling him directly at 617-594-7025.

Monday, January 4, 2010

A Whole New Year...God Willing!

Happy New Year! So 2010 is here and some of us have made resolutions. Some of us have not. And some of us have made resoutions that we have every intention of keeping but won't, and then there are those of us with so much will power we will keep our resolutions no matter what. Some of us will vow to exercise and lose weight. Some of us will vow to quit drinking or smoking. Some of us will try to have a better attitude or not be so selfish. Some of us will try to make mass every week or some of us will just vow to be better people. Me, I've made a few resolutions. Maybe I'll keep them, maybe I won't. What I will do is try. If I keep them, great. If not, well it's not the end of the world. One resolution that I do plan on keeping though and it won't take any will power is to keep my communication with God open. With all that is going on in the world today, I know I'm going to need Him more than ever before. So each day I will thank Him for all the blessings I have in my life such as family, health and friends. And each day I will ask him to watch over me and all my loved ones. And because I am only one person, I will ask Him to give more people the common sense to pay closer attention to what's going on in politics today, especially at the White House. I will give praise and thanks every day, because at the rate we are going in this great country at the moment, I fear there may come a day when I am no longer allowed to give thanks to my Maker. My God. I will give thanks that right now we have a Constitution to live by even if some politicians like to make like it doesn't exist or it's ok to try and change it. I will pray that there is some major change in 2010 and all the far left liberals are thrown out of office and the "Right" people are elected in their place. I will pray that those who are voting for Obamacare will come to their senses and see what a disaster the plan actually is. I will do what I can to help by voting for people such as Michael McGee for State Rep. and Scott Brown for US Senate. I will help by spreading the word that there are people out there like Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly (Fox News) and John Ciccone (South Boston Tribune), just to name a few, who are willing to fill you in with the truthful facts about what is going on in our nation. I will help by praying for those who do not pray. For those who don't see that without God's help...we are going to be in a world of trouble and chaos. May God bless us all and may God Bless the USA! And for my son's benefit and amusement, a special prayer that Joe Schmoe Dirtback goes on a permanent vacation!